Regulation No. 2/2022 of the Rector of the University of Opole of January 24, 2022 on the introduction of the organisation of education with the use of distance learning methods and techniques at the University of Opole
Pursuant to Article 23(2)(2) of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e.: Journal of Laws of 2021, item 487 as amended), in connection with § 11 of the Regulation No. 115/2021 of the Rectorof the University of Opole of September 3, 2021 on the rules of conducting education at the University of Opole in the academic year 2021/2022 – the Rector of the University of Opole hereby decrees:
Section 1
Considering the life and health of students, doctoral students, participants in other forms of education and employees of the University of Opole, due to the current epidemic situation – in the period from 25 January 2022 to 2 February 2022 – I introduce the organization of education with the use of methods and techniques of distance learning (distance learning) at the University of Opole within all forms of education conducted at the University, with the exception of students participating in obligatory classes or internships at medical institutions.
Section 2
The education in the period and form referred to in §1 is conducted in compliance with the Rules for the conduct of education with the use of distance education techniques and methods and verification of learning outcomes using information technology at the University of Opole
Section 3
The winter examination period is conducted in a face-to-face form, in accordance with the provisions of the rules of education organization in the academic year 2021/2022. The schedule of the examination period in the winter semester that takes into account the on-site form of conducting examinations – in accordance with § 20 para. 2 and para. 3 of the Rules of Study at the University of Opole – should be announced no later than 24 January 2022.
Section 4
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of signature.
Rector of the University of Opole
Prof. Dr habil. Marek Masnyk
Uniwersytet Opolski
ul. Kopernika 11a
45-040 Opole
tel.: 77 541 59 03
Biuro Kanclerza
tel.: 77 541 60 70
NIP: 754-000-71-79
Regon: 000001382