Attention students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Opole!


In accordance with the Rector’s Order no 28/2024 of March 22, 2024. regarding the introduction of rules for submitting documents from the National Criminal Register and other documents by students, employees, doctoral candidates of the Doctoral School, and other persons due to obligations arising from the Act of May 13, 2016, on counteracting threats of sexual crime, we inform you that:

By May 31, 2024, the following documents must be delivered to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Economics:

1) A non-conviction document issued by the National Criminal Register (KRK):

– If a paper version is obtained from the KRK, a photocopy must be delivered, and the original document must be shown for inspection.

– In the case of an electronic version from , the student is required to send a certificate by email to the Dean’s Office at . The document will only be accepted in XML file format, which is signed with a secure electronic signature. A printed certificate is not considered an official document.

2) Foreigners should provide information from the criminal records of their home country obtained for the purpose of engaging in professional or voluntary activities involving contact with children.

3) A declaration as Attachment no 1 to the Rector’s Order No. 28/2024 – must be compulsorily submitted by all citizens of the Republic of Poland and foreigners. The declaration is submitted under penalty of criminal liability for making a false declaration.

4)  A declaration as Attachment no 2 to the Rector’s Order No. 28/2024 – must be submitted by a citizen of the Republic of Poland who has stayed outside the borders of the Republic of Poland for more than a year and by all foreigners. The declaration is submitted under penalty of criminal liability for making a false declaration.

The university does not reimburse the costs of the certificate, i.e., 20 PLN for a certificate obtained electronically or 30 PLN for a paper version.


What to include in the query submitted to the KRK about a person?

In point 12, “Type of data to be included in the information about the person,” select: Criminal record and Juvenile record (Selecting all records does not involve an additional fee).

In point 13, “Scope of data to be included in the information about the person,” specify: Art. 21 sec. 3 of the Act of May 13, 2016, on counteracting threats of sexual crime and protecting minors (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1304 and 1606).


Certificates to be brought to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Economics should not be older than from February 2024.

A certificate of non-conviction can be obtained by submitting an application electronically

Instruction – Electronic access to KRK e-services

or on paper at any National Criminal Register Information Point – list of facilities

(,m,m1,2,254 )

The National Criminal Register Information Point is also located in Opole:
Daszyńskiego 3, ground floor, room no. A8 and A9
tel. 77 54 19 510

Office hours for visitors:
Monday: 8.00 – 18.00
Tuesday – Friday: 8.00 – 15.00